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How to do Personal Branding

The process of building one's identity as an individual based on one's strengths and interests is known as personal branding. The first step in self-branding is to understand oneself as a person and their skill set to develop something that reflects them.

I had the chance to develop personal branding through the course portfolio designing, and the process seemed very simple only because of the incredible mentor I had for this course who helped me through it all. I would like to share this process with others who are struggling to develop their branding.

To create a business card:

#1 Brainstorming:

Write down the meaning of your name, things you enjoy and detest, things that symbolize you, and anything else that has to do with you in a brainstorming process.

Create four columns with the themes colour, association, alignment, and form from the Brainstorming choose 10 words that best describe and reflect you under the heading "association." Under "colour," enter the colour you prefer or that best describes you. Under "alignment and form," list a few forms and alignments that you'd like to apply when designing your logo.

#2 Sketching:

Beginning with the few chosen words, create preliminary logo explorations for each term in as many different iterations as you can. Create a few additional variations for each sketch using the chosen sketches from the initial iteration. From there, pick your favourite and render it precisely using a digital application like Illustrator, Photoshop, or whatever programme you are acquainted with.

#3 Colour:

The next stage is colouring your logo once it has been digitally made. Create three to five distinct colour palettes from colours using the colours you came up with through the brainstorming process. To achieve the best results, try various combinations and permutations. Choose one of the combinations. Your logo is now coloured and designed.

#4 Typeface:

Choose a certain font style that will work well with your logo and be used consistently throughout all your branding materials. It is strongly encouraged to utilize Google fonts because they are simple to acquire and use online. Choose one typeface for your name and a different font for information on the card

#5 Business card front side:

Once your typography, which represents your name, degree, professional title, and logo is finalized, explore arranging them in a different order with a background colour that complements and highlights the logo and typeface. Choose the finest style from the several that have been made, and there is the front of your business card.

#6 Business card backside:

Facts like a phone number, email address, and social media accounts should be included on the card's backside. These details can be provided using iconography and typeset in the chosen typeface. Once the details are decided upon, experiment with alternative placements within the card as well as various background colours. From this group, choose one combination that complements the front design the best.

#7 Print:

Now that the Front and Back have been combined, we have a business card that can be printed at 9.5x5.5 cm and sent to individuals to contact.

Along with the Business card, you can also create a Letterhead, Envelope, Pamphlet, and Pick me to further brand yourself and introduce you to the people in the industry. If you would like another blog on how to create a Letterhead, Envelope, or Pamphlet, Pick me up please leave a comment in the chat box.

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