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Photography is not really hard - Learn how!

Updated: Jan 31

Photography is more than just knowledge. As long as you have the passion and drive, you find yourself committed to learning more about it. I’m really thankful for all the opportunities I was provided with and the ones I’ve taken to learn more about the hobby that I once tried to stay away from. Here are some of the tips, tricks and techniques that I wish someone had told me before I picked up my camera and filled up the 8GB storage with poor shots. Hope it helps you like it did for me to!

#1 Know your device

It is important to know what device you’re using to bring out the optimum results. So learn everything there is about your device. More importantly, the handling of the device and its key features.

#2 Learn the jargon

It is not impossible but rather difficult to understand how to take better photos unless you know the terms used for the same. Out there on any tutorial or learning platforms, one must learn the terms used in photography. So get your study mode on to learn the jargons!

#3 Play with options and settings (Apertures, iso, focal length)

Once you get around in knowing your device and its features, it’s equally important to know the three basic and significant settings the ISO, Apertures and Focal length. Keep your curiosity running wild because this is where it gets more interesting. There are pre-set effects and modes for taking photos in specific occasions like night, portrait, auto, motion. Go on and experiment any option that looks fun.

#4 Lighting, shadow, object, background

One of the important things about photography is understanding the placement of subject of the photo and how it is set up.

To have a better understanding, learn the importance of lighting and how to balance it with the settings. Sometime shadows have the ability to enhance or dull the photo so its helpful to know everything that has effect on a photo when taken. Know how to focus on you main element using the focus options available like this really helps give the character to the photo.

#5 Keep the camera rolling!

Nothing is as great master as experience. What are you waiting for? Take your device out and keep clicking and assessing the photos. You’ll eventually learn and understand what your personal style and taste in photography. Get out there and get the storage space filled!

The above mentioned are few of the many that I’ve learnt as a beginner and still learning. These are from the perspective of the same and not as any kind of professional. Here is my journey from start to now. It was a drastic transition from when I started out with photography to how far I’ve come by learning through my experience in exposure to various projects and platforms.

Feel free to drop in more tips and techniques that you know and could help in improving photo qualities. I’d love to learn what’s all there is to!


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